Enabling digital transformation of the funeral industry


The application of CONTX, affords funeral directors a step change in operating methods, replacing the traditional toe-tag and paper intensive processes with a digital wrist tag that mitigates the risk of mistaken identity, optimises operational efficiencies and reduces costs.

CONTX continuously monitors the status of every deceased with a reach that extends out from the mortuary and chapels into vehicles, providing complete transparency on the identity and real-time location of every deceased in care, from the moment of collection through to burial or cremation.

Optionally, bespoke workflow management can be integrated to the user friendly interface to prompt staff and automate administrative duties to ensure that tasks are completed in a timely manner and keep all stakeholders up to date without need of manual interaction.


Funeral Homes
Funeral Homes


Morgues & Mortuaries
Morgues & Mortuaries


National Disaster
National Disaster




Private Ambulances
Private Ambulances


Flexible in deployment

Plug & Play hardware infrastructure is quick to install in fixed and mobile environments and moved easily.

Digital Tags

Provide real-time visibility on the location and status of all deceased under care 24/7/365.

Cost saving

Low operating costs are offset against efficiencies and labour savings providing high return on investment.

Environmental Monitoring

Monitors temperature, air quality, and other metrics of the internal environment.

Multi-platform interface

A user friendly interface that works on all devices and platforms, to empower and inform all staff and eliminate paperwork.

Fridge Management

Monitors availability and temperature of fridges, improving fridge allocation and providing early warning of fridge failure.

Process Management*

Dynamic workflows that automate and connect manual business processes. Proven to reduce administrative man hours by as much as 50% per funeral.


Use as a standalone solution or integrate with existing software – choose which functionality is required to suit your business.


Hands off process – Identify and retrieve records on any deceased just by holding personal wristband close or bringing a smartphone/tablet up to any digital tag.

*Optional, customisable features.

FA Albins & Sons

FA Albins & Sons, a London based funeral director adopted CONTX to modernise operations replacing the paper toe-tag with digital tags and a customised workflow management solution saving an estimated 9000 man hours per annum.